Victor Sanchez

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Living purposefully also means, the joy of being able to direct our energy towards life, even during times when the whole world around us seems to surrender to the most primitive versions of what it means to be human.


The Art of Attention

Is our attention
what makes the world.

The first attention
assembles ordinary reality
and can be invaded.

The Second Attention
opens the door
to heightened awareness
and cannot be overpowered
by external entities.

The mastery of our attention,
is the path that makes us free.

“We dream of a world in which art, science and spirituality without dogmas,
contribute to the well-being and development of all human beings.”


“The second attention is the access door
to the higher modalities of consciousness”

Most human beings spend their entire lives in the most basic modality of attention., known as first attention. This basic modality is like a prison, which can be easily weakened and makes us vulnerable to external manipulation., either by psychological,, emotional or digital technology means. Its vulnerability emanates from the very limited vision of one's own self that is part of it. Second attention instead, it is a new territory with a huge unknown potential. In addition to being the gateway to heightened awareness and silent knowledge, It is in that territory that we discover a much more authentic and efficient modality of being known as the other self, which among the persons of knowledge of pre-Hispanic Mexico was known as the nahual or double of each human being. Far from being strange or foreign to the normal human being, these modalities are accessible to everyone, through accessible practices, which begin with the specialized management of the first attention.

Far from the paths of dependence to external means such as supposedly enlightened teachers or the seductive detour of psychotropic plants or other drugs, the most efficient route to second attention, goes through well-organized practices in managing the flow of attention and discovering the silent voice of nature.

On that road, the knowledge and practices of some indigenous communities, in their human context and without contaminating them with our western fantasies, they can be a powerful source of inspiration that may contribute to the design of our own practices.

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There is no process of healing and development of our potential
that does not go through the path of self-knowledge

The knowledge of oneself is the basis of the personal growth of the human being. That knowledge is the basis for change and growth in all areas of our lives.. Without this, it does not matter how many spiritual practices we do, or how many smart or beautiful ideas we learn and can repeat, nothing is true Knowledge if it does not transform us and becomes daily life. That is why self-knowledge is the first pillar that supports the strength of our soul.. The second pillar are attention management practices, which make sense only if they go hand in hand with our self-knowledge.

The knowledge of the duality of consciousness of the ancient Toltecs, called tonal and nagual to these two dimensions of our life. Self-knowledge would be associated with the Tonal or the awareness and practices of daily life. That is why in the field of our relationships with those around us, in our work, our professional activity and interaction with society in general, having functional and efficient tools and practices is essential. There is no true development of the soul if we neglect this fundamental area of ​​our existence..

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True spirituality is not based on faith, but in experience.
Spiritual experience never separates and always unites.

Authentic spirituality is not the result of beliefs but that of experience, and in that, it is different from religion. It's a practical experience. It is something to be done, seen and shared.

Although the idea of ​​spiritual development may seem strange or unreal to some people, especially to those who value logical thinking and reason over intuitive or emotional experiences. However, the spiritual dimension is a fundamental part of the life of all people even if they don't know it. The key is how to understand that dimension in its simplest meaning., which may begin from the everyday experience, familiar to almost everyone, of feeling connected to that that transcends us and to something that goes beyond ourselves and our individuality.

For example, we feel this connection, when we realize that we are affected and care by the well-being and needs of other people, whether they are our children and loved ones, our neighbors or our fellow citizens or even the people of other communities or nations. It is from that experience, that we realize that we cannot harm others without also harming ourselves; and in the same way, we cannot heal or grow ourselves if we do not also contribute to the well-being and growth of others.

But this spiritual dimension can be projected much further, to embrace our connection to animals and the nature around us. Even with the universe and the stars or with what we can feel as a force that transcends us; that sustains and unites us, whatever we call it the universe, the Great Spirit or God. The name does not matter. It matters how it strengthens us, it comforts and completes us to feel part of something bigger, that goes beyond the exhausting and excessive concern for the self.

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The spirit of the warrior is not geared for complaining and condemning
The spirit of the warrior is only geared for the battle

The spiritual warrior is not moved by violence, anger or the desire to prevail over others. On the contrary, the spirit of the warrior is a clear pond of serenity, still in the storm.
Its main characteristic is that, unlike ordinary people, he or she is not consumed by self-importance or self-pity, but for his uncompromising intent to always act with impeccability. for a warrior, Being impeccable simply means always seeking the best use of energy in whatever action you take or whatever situation you find yourself in..

“A warrior is impeccable when he trusts his personal power, regardless of whether it is small or huge”

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