Homo sapiens invented gods and religions and then started fighting to defend their beliefs..
Homo-sapiens-sapiens discovered the spirituality that does not divide, but unites.
This spirituality is born from seeing and doing, it is not based on faith but on experience.
It is based on the experiment of experiencing life beyond the confines of the ego that suffers because it feels separated from everything..
Our current experience consists of the struggle of the human being to advance in its evolution, facing the fierce resistance of the human being who surrenders to the fear of leaving behind his old predatory nature.

I have come to say that we have too much religion and too many beliefs that separate us and that when we stop seeing reality to look only at the beliefs that are in our minds, we stop seeing each other under the glass of our common humanity and set out on the road to war.

I have come to say that we need a silent spirituality that is not made up of ideologies or beliefs., but simply seeing what is in front of us. It is born from listening to the stories of our lives that unite us and that reveal to us that the same pains hurt us and the same dreams excite us..

I discovered that human beings are moved by mental images that are more powerful than the images of the physical world that surrounds us and that by those images that we feed within us we build the heaven or hell in which we will have to live until the day we wake up and we distinguish that thinking and seeing are different things.

Natural spirituality does not require preaching, or preachers. It requires a moment of inner silence so that the sounds of nature and the voices of others can actually reach us.. This natural spirituality is not the heritage of those who consider themselves spiritual, nor territory inaccessible to those who consider themselves skeptical. the voice of the spirit, if we can call that infinite silence that allows us to understand without words, speak through nature. when we hear it, we discover that it speaks from inside and outside at the same time. We discovered that we are nature and that what we are cannot be pigeonholed within the repeated history that we call “me”.

This natural spirituality is not the conquest of a long life, nor the result of a path of hardships and sacrifices. It is the natural result of going out into the world, walking and breathing, letting the world be what it is without trying to make it into something else with our ideas. I discovered it walking in forests and mountains. I found it in the absorbed gaze of my Wixarika friends around a campfire. I discovered it listening to the stories of wonder and terror, of sorrows and joys that humans told me throughout a lifetime of listening to their stories around our wonderful planet.

I've spent my life inviting others to those paths. Some have accepted the invitation and let me prove how, around a campfire that is treated with affection, all voices are important and become the same voice, no matter how different we look, our social condition, our work, our life stories, the things we believe or the way we dress. I discovered that a power of nature, when you look at her carefully and treat her with respect, is always one and never separates. That is why I am convinced that the time has come to discover or invent the meaning of life., not from old beliefs, whether personal or social, but from the shared experience with others and with the spirit that vibrates and manifests itself in nature that always surrounds us, and whose influence and reality is stronger than all the personal dramas, relatives, social or global. the secret is there, very close. has always been around you. You just have to stop looking at the screen that always accompanies you. Get out of your four walls and contemplate the world that has always been there. Waiting for you.

Lift your face and see. That's the beginning of the road… if you see it… pay attention and follow it.


Related reading

CONVERSATIONS WITH FIRE—The Path to Spirit Through Nature

Conversations with Fire is a work dedicated to the ancestral spiritual relationship of the human being with the forces of nature
It is the oldest spiritual tradition on earth and predates the invention of religion..
This tradition arises from the discovery of fire; not only as a source of energy, heat, food preparation, etc. But as a transcendent entity that can be consulted to understand the non-obvious meaning of things and the voice of our spirit..

It is the tradition of those who speak with fire.

“In contrast to organized religions, the spiritual connection with fire, not based on faith, but it is based on practical experience and arises from the cognitive and emotional link with the great powers of nature.
If we consider the simple fact that this practice began sometime between the Neolithic and Paleolithic, hundreds of thousands of years ago; giving rise to the birth of culture as an anthropological phenomenon, it is surprising to realize that the same tradition is still alive in our time, and it still feels like something special to us, the same that was special for our Neolithic ancestors. This amazing survival allows us to intuit that a very powerful and important motivation underlies the deep meaning of the spiritual relationship between human beings and nature..
The specific moment in which it happened is lost in the mists of time. It was through the simple and captivating act of gathering around a campfire and paying attention to it., that early humans developed the extraordinary cognitive abilities of the brain and created language; it was only then that they recognized each other as a community and began to find abstract meanings for their presence in the world.

Through conversations and stories shared around the fire, early humans were able to recognize their inner life and the inner life, otherwise impossible to see, of those around them.
They also discovered the silent but powerful voice of fire and through it, the voice of nature, which became protection, mirror and guide…

…Due to my personal experience that I have shared with so many human beings around the world throughout my life, I can testify that even today, at the same time that digital technologies and the so-called virtual reality, make the awareness of our essential relationship with nature more and more fragile and tenuous; These traditions and practices, they continue to be a very effective door back to reality and to the essence of what makes us human.

Facing the growing phenomenon of our mass migration to online life, which distances us more and more from life among people of flesh, bone and spirit; It is hopeful to know that -as in the Paleolithic- it keeps happening, that every time we light a fire in an environment of care and respect, the sacred fire speaks and our natural being awakens again.
In the same way, In the midst of our big and small wars, every time - sheltered by the vibrant force of nature- we listen to each other with genuine curiosity, we recover the experience of being a community.
It is my duty and my will, share this tradition with present and future generations, in the simple and direct form in which it has been revealed to me.”

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