The indigenous soul is the other self of our city soul.
Without her we are not complete and her gaze leads
to the way back to our lost unity
with the spirit of nature

The indigenous soul

When we are attracted to indigenous knowledge, it is actually our own indigenous soul that is calling us, because it needs to express itself and be recognized. It is that part of us that is linked to nature and the soul of others, in a dynamic of integration and development. The indigenous human being is not someone to study as if it were a curious object; it is someone in whom we can recognize our own unknown face.

Nature as a Guide

Nature is the visible face of the Great Spirit that connects and unites everything that exists. The Poderíos of the World are the forces of nature that we approach from a spiritual perspective; This simply means that we find in them the ideal and necessary space to finally recognize what we are and what we come to do in this world.. The Powers of Nature speak the silent language that reveals to us the truths that will give meaning to our lives.

What does it mean to be Toltec?

We define the Toltecs as the cultural and spiritual matrix of all Mesoamerica. Their historical being is born among the Olmecs, flourishes in Teotihuacan and is also projected to all the peoples who inhabited Mexico, Southern United States and Central America. From their worldview, poetry, philosophical and spiritual concepts, we define the Toltec as a way of being based on the integration of opposites. The Feathered Serpent expresses the realization of this integration and is a necessary path for every human being and for all humanity.. For this reason, the Toltec way refers to a universal possibility for all human beings., indigenous and non-indigenous.

The Essence of Shamanism

Shamanism in real life is the experience of non-ordinary reality and time out of time. In many indigenous peoples it is a community experience. It consists of access – at the level of experience- to the unknown part of our consciousness. It is achieved through spiritual interaction with the forces of nature in a journey more physical than mental.. Unlike everyday consciousness, this other consciousness is not based on reason., but in silent knowledge and fulfills the function of giving the necessary balance to reason. For this reason it is too important to leave it only in the hands of the shamans.awareness of the other self, it is everyone's heritage and we all need it to integrate the totality of what we are and thus prevent our reason from turning against ourselves.

The Way of Indigenous Knowledge It is that of the one who rests his respectful gaze on that unknown dimension inhabited by the original peoples who have somehow been able to preserve their own culture., their gaze and a spirituality based on nature. On that path there are no teachers or sorcerers to guide us. There are only human beings of flesh and blood who generally survive in conditions of profound disadvantage in the face of the dominant culture.. These people, less exotic but much more real and beautiful than the shamans in the books, far from pretending to be enlightened, know they are imperfect and vulnerable and from that awareness they are able to rise and touch the face of the Spirit.
That path is not learned by imitating, much less invading their communities or sacred places. It is learned by being inspired by their example to develop our own traditions and practices, according to our needs and our time, in our own places.

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