Brief Personal Consultations

With the aim of offering accessible options to more people, I have started a low-cost, qualified advisory service through short written consultations on the topics covered in my books or workshops. Initially, The responses will be sent in writing to your email. Later, the option to receive responses through recorded voice messages will be offered..
You can use this question and answer service in the single consultation mode or take advantage of the multiple consultation packages detailed below..
While in-depth discussion of some topics is best managed through long in-person conversations, Short consultations can be very useful for those who are working with any of the topics in my books and would like to clarify doubts..
It should be clear that this is a question and answer service from person to person. We do not use bots or automatic response systems. V.S.

For a limited time you can try this service by making your first consultation for free.
You just have to fill out and send the inquiry form without using the payment button.

For details and make your first consultation
visit our brief consultations page at Toltecas.Com.


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