New edition 2024!
The Lessons of the Blue Deer

Toltecs of the New Millennium
Toltecs of the New Millennium
The Lessons of the Blue Deer
Wise Deer Press (2024)
Toltecs of the New Millennium
Inner Traditions Edition

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“The admiration of the Aztecs and Mayans for the wise men of Teotihuacán and Tula, was such, who used the term 'Toltec’ to designate those who embodied the highest wisdom, that integrated the knowledge of science, art and spirit. This book is a tribute to the ancient Toltecs and those who, in the present, continue to honor his legacy, preserving for humanity the most precious values ​​of its culture”.

 Victor Sanchez

This book is the chronicle of the first five years of Víctor Sánchez's relationship with the Wixarika indigenous people of northern Jalisco., Mexico. The Wixarika are the only surviving indigenous people in Mexico who have preserved their original pre-Hispanic shamanic traditions based on interaction with the forces of nature as an expression of the sacred..

Toltecs of the New Millennium allow us to discover how these indigenous communities have kept the secret of about crossing into the other side of consciousness, through a form of spirituality based on experience rather than faith, that is expressed not in a body of beliefs, but in a body of practices for the specialized management of attention.

It is also an inspiring story of how the rest of us can do the same in our own world..

This book marks the beginning of the cycle that is completed, thirty years later, with the publication of Conversations with Fire, The path to the spirit through nature, also published by our publishing house.

  • Víctor Sánchez sintetiza los conceptos esenciales de la Toltequidad explicados desde una perspectiva enfocada al crecimiento personal y espiritual.
  • Al compartir sus experiencias entre los wixaritari del México Occidental, el autor nos muestra como la sabiduría y espiritualidad tolteca, siguen vigentes en la vida cotidiana y prácticas ceremoniales de la comunidad.
  • A través del estudio de la toltequidad en sus fuentes originales y en su manifestación viva en el mundo indígena, Sánchez nos da un ejemplo de cómo integrar en nuestras vidas el poder transformador de este conocimiento sagrado.
  • El libro incluye fotografías a en blanco y negro en la versión impresa. En la versión electrónica las imagenes se muestran en color en dispositivos con pantalla cromática y en blanco y negro en dispositivos con pantalla de escala de grises.

**The English version of The Lessons of the Blue Deer is in preparation. To know the publication date, Visit this page frequently or sign up for our mailing list to receive news of our publications.

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